Lupine Publishers | Principles of the Military Consultations in Ancient Egypt

Lupine Publishers- Anthropological and Archaeological Sciences Journal Impact Factor Introduction A way from the regular theory, that the royal king always had the perfect and ideal order and decision [1], when he always is depicting as an intelligent and wise man, making the correct solution against the doubts and uncertainties of his councilors [2], The pattern is basically that the king makes and demonstrates his superior judgment by the ensuing success [3]. From the beginning of the ancient Egyptian history, the royal king must had his own courtiers and advisors among the great ones [3A,3B], to consult with them, concerning the vital matters, especially when are relating to the country fate [4], the literary texts depicted several kinds of councils, whether were holding at the royal palace or outside it. The first witness of holding a royal council was belonging to the 4th dynasty, at the reign of the great king Khufu, this council documented in Westcar papyrus...